Crocodile Encounter {Wagga Wagga |Children |Photographer}

I was fortunate to take my camera during the Crocodile encounter at my children's Daycare on the 30th. Mr T my little one gave pats too all the snakes, lizards, turtles, crocodiles that came around. The kids were fascinated by them There was the smiling crocodile Captain Crunch, Speedy the Turtle who could flip over, Spotty the snake, Olivia the olive python who could climb up the air to check out the streamers, the shingle-back and blue tongue lizards were a bit of hit as well. Some of the children were not too fussed on the snakes others let the turtle and lizard have rest on their heads!

Some very brave teachers and children even had a go at giving Olivia a cuddle!

Here are a few images from Wednesday!

croc blog board 8 x10 jlbp

I have made all the photos available at school. If your child was there they most likely were in one of my photos and if you would like a copy, please email me on and we can arrange it.


Enjoy j
