What an amazing group of kiddos, parents, grandparents and Great - nanna! Thank you so much for letting me spend a bit of time with you! Here are some images of your gorgeous kiddos and family~ Oh the eyes these children have - such a variety of colours but magnificent! Bubbles and footballs were blown kicked and chased songs were sung and children were scattered. They had such fun!
Mr Elusive who ran in the opposite direction from the camera... scroll down to see some magic from Daddy!
This magical smile on Mr R was so worth the day! Great job Dad for getting some giggles and grins to share of your gorgeous boy!
and a little quiet let the sun shine through for this gorgeous girl...
Don't you just love her grin starting to peek through? I do!
Thanks again for sharing some fun times last week! I hope that you all travelled safely!
enjoy J
Erin, Rob and Michael
Erin - Absolutely! Just let me know when you are in town!